Holley & AEM EV highlight of the Electric Dragster 202.82mph Record at Holley High Voltage
Thank you to Holley and AEM Performance Electronics for highlighting the #FasterThanCancer electric dragster and the new World Record set...

Huff Motorsports Fans - Enter To WIN!
Come out to NHRA Northwest Nationals this weekend and support your favorite local racing team by wearing Huff Motorsports Gear! Post your...

Newsfeed: Cleantechnica.com
Electric Dragsters Are Making Big Progress By Jennifer Sensiba A few weeks ago, Holley’s MotorLife blog covered an electric vehicle doing...

Newsfeed: Holley.com Blog
HOW STEVE HUFF MOTORSPORTS KEEPS BREAKING RECORDS WITH THEIR EV DRAGSTER Early on in his motorsport career, Steve Huff largely split his...

Newsfeed - CycleDrag.com with "New World Record by Faster Than Cancer Electric Dragster"
Leading electric dragster racer and cancer survivor Steve Huff left his Seattle, Wash. shop in mid-February with one goal in mind – run...

Newsfeed: Autoweek.com
At Age 90, 'Big Daddy' Don Garlits Still Plugged Into Electric Dragster NHRA legend came up just short in quest to be first to blast a...

Newsfeed - CycleDrag.com NHRA Arizona Nationals
Team Carrell, Huff & Barger make debut of the #FasterThanCancer renamed electric dragster at NHRA Arizona Nationals in February 2022...
Newsroom International: Nuus.hu
Ez az első elektromos gyorsulási autó, ami átlépte a 200 mérföld/órát Steve Huff vezette a Current Technology nevű elektromos dragstert,...
Newsroom International: 3Dnews.ru
Электромобиль Current Technology поставил новый рекорд скорости в драг-рейсинге Full Article: CLICK HERE

Newsroom: Dragzine.com
Huff Dashes Garlits’ Hopes, Breaks 200 MPH Electric Car Barrier Full article linked here: CLICK HERE